Tim Murray, PhD

Research Statistician and Program Manager
Data and Decision Sciences Program
US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine

I have found the following links to be helpful resources for teaching and research. They may be helpful to current students or colleagues.

Jobs for Economists

Economics Jobs for Undergraduate Students by Barton Willage 
This is a list of places for econ and econ-adjacent undergrads to find potential places to work.

Understanding the PhD Job Market 
Great resource by the American Economic Association for Economics Job Market Candidates. Be sure to check out John Crawley’s Guide to the Job Market Process on the page.

Microsoft Excel

GCFGlobal Excel Tutorial
Online “textbook” with short videos and step by step examples that covers the basic and more advanced topics using Excel

Teachers Tech Microsoft Excel Tutorials
YouTube playlist that has detail videos covering everything you will ever need to know for Microsoft Excel


TikZ Cookbook – Diagrams in Economics by Chiu Yu Ko
Latex TikZ templates for drawing graphs and models commonly used in economics

Generate Tables for LaTex 
Easily create code for tables in LaTex. The File tab allows you to paste table data from Excel or import data from a .csv file to LaTex code

Applied Econometrics

Causal Inference: The Mixtape by Scott Cunningham
A great book explaining current causal econometric techniques that contains replication data and code for Stata, R, and Python.

How the (Econometric) Sausage is Made by Daniel Millimet
A blog using real world examples to discuss important applied econometric issues and techniques. 

Metrics Monday by Marc F. Bellemare
A blog on applied econometric issues with helpful Stata examples


The Ten Most Important Rules of Writing your Job Market Paper by Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz

Writing Tips for PhD Students by John H. Cochrane

How to Give and Applied Micro Talk by Jesse M. Shapiro

Preparing a Referee Report: Guidelines and Perspectives by Jonathan B Berk, Campbell R. Harvey, and David Hirshleifer